The Secret of Sarek Read online

Page 21

  Transcriber's note:

  The following typographical errors present in the original editionhave been corrected.

  In Chapter I, "But the tree letters were visible" was changed to "Butthe three letters were visible", and "though an ever-thickening mist"was changed to "through an ever-thickening mist".

  In Chapter III, a missing period was added after "spluttered Honorine",and "You musn't stay" was changed to "You mustn't stay".

  In Chapter IV, "Then . . . then. . . it's happening" was changed to"Then . . . then . . . it's happening", and "slackened spend when shewas level" was changed to "slackened speed when she was level".

  In Chapter V, a quotation mark was added after "They: the people ofold.", and "that killed M. Antoine, Marie le Goff and the others" waschanged to "that killed M. Antoine, Marie Le Goff and the others".

  In Chapter VI, quotation marks were added before "Did you put them underthere?" and "and I am not a bit afraid", and after "Then what is it?".

  In Chapter VII, "one of the cells probably the last" was changed to "oneof the cells, probably the last", and a missing period was added after"Yes, Madeleine Ferrand".

  In Chapter VIII, "Last night . . or rather this morning" was changed to"Last night . . . or rather this morning", and "painted Perenna is suchstrange colours" was changed to "painted Perenna in such strangecolours".

  In Chapter X, a quotation mark was removed before "Veronique receivedher answer", "None come" was changed to "None came", a quotation markwas added after "my boat is hanging at the foot of the cliff.", and"We'll land at Pont-L'Abbe" was changed to "We'll land at Pont-l'Abbe".

  In Chapter XII, a quotation mark was removed after "Its feathered endwas still quivering."

  In Chapter XIV, "The other joined him" was changed to "The others joinedhim", and a quotation mark was added after "At any rate, it's a sacredstone".

  In Chapter XV, a quotation mark was added before "She is dead","yatching-cap" was changed to "yachting-cap", a comma was changed to aperiod after "There's no hypocrisy about you", and "Is is agreed" waschanged to "Is it agreed".

  In Chapter XVI, "ascertain Veronique d'Hergemont's whereabout" waschanged to "ascertain Veronique d'Hergemont's whereabouts", and "Theworthy man envolved the prophecy from his own consciousness" was changedto "The worthy man evolved the prophecy from his own consciousness".

  In Chapter XVII, "The ancient Druid, whom we may call either Don LuisPerenna or Arsene Lupin" was changed to "The ancient Druid, whom we maycall either Don Luis Perenna or Arsene Lupin".

  In Chapter XVIII, a period was changed to a comma after "one after theother", and quotation marks were added after "the boat should havestarted" and "he chopped off his hand".

  In the advertisements, Bruce of the Circle A was changed to Bruce ofthe Circle, A, in the entry for The Nameless Man "Nataile SumnerLincoln" was changed to "Natalie Sumner Lincoln", and in the entry forThe World for Sale "Gilbert-Parker" was changed to "Gilbert Parker".